
Our Services



Our consulting projects focus on doing one thing well, helping you build amazing products. While we cannot guarantee that our methodology will make your product a success, we will show you how to test and learn quickly to give  you the answers you need to decide if you continue to invest in the project for a fraction of your original planned cost. Each project is contained within a fixed price and will include opportunity definition, roadmap prioritisation, KPI definition, and project review. Projects are typically 4-6 weeks in duration. 

opportunity definition

The project starts with a workshop with your team and with stakeholders. Many times roadmaps are cluttered with old priorities that have not be revisited and reprioritised or features that were designed for the wrong customer persona.  By having your team to pause and define your customer and the product your customer needs, clear opportunities begin to emerge. This may be the ideation of new opportunities or redefining and prioritising existing ones. 

Roadmap prioritisation

Once we have identified the opportunities, we will help you to prioritise the opportunities into a roadmap. As companies grow larger with more stakeholders, this exercise becomes more challenging. Our team will show you strategies to help prioritise opportunities with multiple stakeholders. 

KPI Definitions

One of the keys to having a focused and effective roadmap is defining and tracking the correct KPIs to help you prioritise and test and learn quickly. As part of your consultation, we will work with your teams to define the KPIs for each feature. These KPIs will be tracked and used in the review. 


After a feature is released and monitored for a set period of time, our team will return to sit with your team to review the KPIs and the performance of the feature to help determine whether to kill a feature, enhance the feature, or to try an alternative permutation.